Saturday, 9 April 2011

Another Exercise from Wordplay Workshop on Thursday

We were asked to find 20 words from dictionaries, books and/or magazines then write a short poem about it (10 minutes to do so).  This is what I came up with:

Random Words

Castles, Build, Wonder, Health, Free, Future, Existence, Youth, Ignored, Culture, Value, Dreams, Pain, Love, Cautiously, Soul, Hope, Mind, Importance, Bright

My Soul Dreams Cautiously
Of Love overcoming Ignored Pain
Where Health will prevail
And Culture will change
The Future will become Bright with Hope
And the Wonder of my Youth
Will Build Castles in the sky
And my Mind will be Free to see the Value
Of the Importance of my Existence.


  1. Thanks Sarah: That was our first exercise last Thursday :o) Mornings are great for me for writing....... which is why I loved the morning session so much. By afternoon, I was a bit hazy lol. thank you for your support :o)

  2. Nicely done, I used to write poetry but I never followed any proper form, but rather wrote as a way to release emotion.

  3. Thank you Zamipoo (that is N's nickname for you right? lol). I have just redisccovered poetry and am starting to fall in love with it. In 'free verse' there are no rules or restrictions - no 'proper form'. And I do agree with you - it releases emotions - I would love to read some of your poetry :o)

  4. Love your poetry, Louise... I am so glad that you were able to go to this workshop. People often think poetry has to be difficult or that they won't understand or cannot do it... these are all blocks standing in the way of learning to express ourselves using this beautiful format. So glad that you have embraced the poet inside of you. Love these. You are very talented.

  5. You can find some in my Facebook notes from a few years ago if you look on my profile.
