Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Weekly Answers to Questions

Now that my head is revolving around the www (world wide web), I want people to feel comfortable with my Blogging and to feel that they can ask me anything.  I have opinions on most topics and would like to have this Blog be as interesting as possible for my world wide viewing audience...smile.  So, I have decided that those who would like to ask me a question should be respected enough to have me answer them.  There are a few things that I won't discuss:  these are your typical 'not-for-discussion' topics: Politics, Religion and Sex.  Politics is a no-brainer.  I fully respect other people's political views and I have my own opinions but these things are best left to people's own beliefs.  Religion is another topic that can spur on heated discussions (and although I am more than willing to state my views on what I believe .. and I think what I believe in will come through as I continue blogging and as you, the world, will eventually come know me .... but I do not wish to 'debate' this issue.  To me, there is no right or wrong answer.  I totally respect others' views and beliefs.  I can share mine, if you ask me to, but only if you agree that 'if I respect yours, you will respect mine'.  As for sex, well it is indeed a 'hot' topic, but why discuss it?  I am of the old school of thought, and I believe that what happens in other people's bedrooms are their own private business :o)

Having said the above, I am open to questions on any other topic.  I am a fairly intelligent being (well, some people have told me so), but I am sure there are questions you will ask me that I just do not have something intelligent to say about it.  And I will freely admit that fact.

I will, therefore, answer and discuss my feelings on any question you ask me, trying to be as truthful as possible, without hurting anyone (or at least without intentionally hurting anyone).  I would like this Blog to be somewhere you can come to and become somewhat interested in what I am saying.  I want this Blog to be just a tad different from most Blogs (although I do admit I have not looked at many other Blogs in order to know what is considered 'different').  But here I am, just waiting to become a part of your world and for you to become a part of mine. I care - even if I do not know you.

Therefore, every Friday, I will look at any questions that are asked and over the weekend will try my hardest to answer them.  I like to believe that my specialty is on mental health issues.  But, no, I am not a professional, I am a caregiver.  Does that make me an expert? Well, maybe.  I know that lived experiences are more realistic (and sometimes more intelligent) than what we are told by professionals.  I have tried to educate myself on a grass-root level, on a level that comes from the heart of a mother.  I live in Canada, so I cannot comment on what the laws are in other countries, I cannot even tell you all the laws on the mental health system that exist in my own country.  But I can tell you what has worked for my family and what we have lived through and are living with.  I am open to supporting you if you are on the same journey I am on, whether it be a caregiver, a family member, or a friend of someone who has experienced a mental illness.

Feel free to ask me anything about anything.  My goal here is to help - not to preach, not to judge, not to be 'holier than thou' - but to just be.  And on Fridays, I will look over the questions and spend some time answering ....... All I ask of you is that you bear with me as I am sure I will learn more about myself through this Blog.


  1. I wanted to post my question here,even though I already sent you a personal message. As you know, I am on a journey of self discovery (that sounds so cliche) and I am wanting to be my authentic self as much as possible. My struggle is the masks I wear for people - and I state it like that because the masks benefit others as much as myself. Is it possible to live without the masks and still be happy and make others be at ease? Or is my authentic self only ever goign to be known to me?

  2. Karen,
    Thank you so much for the question - I will do my best to answer it. I hope to have the answer posted on Sunday (I do need time to unscramble my ideas about this topic). But rest assured that I do have a certain opinion about this interesting topic. You will be amazed at how verbose I can be :o)
