Monday, 11 June 2012

June 2012 - Weight Loss - continued

It's been a while. Am still doing my exercises - but now only every 2nd day or whenever I feel like it :)  -  I have lost, as of today, 31 pounds. Not bad. Am still looking at losing another 15-20 pounds but hey, what the heck. I feel better and that is what is important.

We have gotten Fiber Op and there is a TV station that plays music of the 60's. Wow - I have a TV in the exercise room and turn on music of the 60s and away I go for 40 minutes of bicycling. Then it's upstairs for my 15 minute floor exercise - usually putting on TV to the Games Channel. Life Is good.

My son has moved into his own apartment as of June 1st. What a great accomplishment for him. I am so proud of him. He works part-time and is feeling pretty independent right now. So much for the doctors saying he needed to be in a Special Care Home. We said No!!  We stayed positive and tried to pass it on to him.... only positive allowed, I would tell him.  If someone or if he said anything negative, I would say 'BIG X' - which meant to stop thinking or saying anything negative :) 

Till next time.