Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Christmas Miracle

WE are here for a reason. We do things that affect others - whether we know it or not. I learned this lesson yesterday. I do not want to forget this lesson so am writing a Blog about my 2011 Christmas Miracle.

Yesterday I received a call from my sister-in-law. My brother died of brain cancer in August 2008 (3 years ago). I had went to visit him 3 days before he died (altho he was still walking and seemed fine) - his death after I arrived back home was so unexpected. My sister had died of brain cancer 3 years previously (2005). She lasted a year, while from the time of my brother's diagnosis and death it was only 3 months. (Notice here how the number 3 appears so often.... (am just realizing this as I type this Blog).

Regardless, my sister-in-law told me that since my brother's death, she had put up her Christmas tree in their livingroom instead of the usual place (which was in a corner in the hallway, besides the winding staircase leading to the 2nd floor, next to the entry into their kitchen). But for 3 years (2008, 2009, 2010) ... number 3 again... she had put it in the livingroom because she could not bear seeing it where they usually put it up - decorating it together. She told me that this year, she had decided to revert to putting their tree back to where it had always been before his death - safely tucked in the corner besides the staircase.

She said since she had done that, she had had mixed feelings - whenever she looked at the tree, it reminded her so much of Gerry and she was unsure she had done the right thing.

Then yesterday morning, she received the Christmas card I sent her.

I had bought a new box of Christmas cards this year, with an assortment of designs.   She wanted to thank me and to tell me, in tears, that the card she received from me was that of a tree tucked into a corner besides a winding staircase, with the kitchen just peeking through in the corner of the card. The tree looked exactly like her tree (color scheme), the winding staircase was just like theirs - even to the color white of the railing and the kitchen was just behind it - if one took a picture of it, it would be almost identical to the card I sent her. She wanted to thank me - because - to her - it was a confirmation she had made the right decision and that my note of 'am with you in spirit' that I signed on the card moved her and she felt Gerry's presence surround her. She now knew she had made the right decision to put the tree up exactly where Gerry would have wanted her to.

I felt a shiver run through me. I had randomly chosen this card to send her - or had it been 'random' ?  Do we truly know how our actions or inactions affect others? How many miracles have we done in the past that we do not know about? How many miracles that happen do we attribute to 'coincidences' ?  I am assuming many. Like in the old movie 'It's a beautiful life' - if you had not existed, how would this world be different? I think it would be very different and not in a good way. We are here for a reason.

A good friend of mine had posted this yesterday on her wall in facebook and it truly moved me. The call last night moved me even more. Here is what was posted on Facebook:

The top 10 things dead people want to tell living people are:

1. They're not dead.
... 2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.
3. There's no such thing as a devil or hell.
4. They were ready to go when they went.
5. You're not ready.
6. They finally understand what they were missing.
7. Nothing can prepare you for the beauty of the moment you arrive.
8. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
9. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving, here, as they were there.
10. Life really is all about love, but not just loving those who love you...

In their own words,
The Universe